Your Friends and Neighbors
With works by: Clémentine Adou, Mélissa Airaudi, Gioele Amaro, Jean-Marie Appriou, Iván Argote, Pierre-Olivier, Arnaud Fabienne Audéoud, Hugo Avigo, Noémie Bablet, Laëtitia Badaut Haussmann, Carlotta Bailly-Borg, Hélène Baril, Pauline Beaudemont, Neïl Beloufa, Will Benedict, Maxime Bichon, Karina Charlie Boisson, Bianca Bondi, Paul Bonnet, Juliette Bonneviot, Cécile Bouffard, Mohamed Bourouissa, Anne Bourse, Samuel Boutruche, Jeanne Briand, Rémy Brière, Simon Brossard, Julie Villard, Corentin Canesson, Loucia Carlier, Romain Cattenoz, Lorraine Châteaux, Nicolas Chardon, Gaëlle Choisne, Mathis Collins, Paul Collins, Grichka Commaret, Jean-Alain Corre, Bastien Cosson, Lauren Coullard, Morgan Courtois, Julien Creuzet, Oriane Déchery, Raffaella Della Olga, Guillaume Dénervaud, Arnaud Dezoteux, Dora Diamant, Antoine Donzeaud, Valentina Dotti, David Douard, Vava Dudu, Jules Dumoulin, Mimosa Echard, Amalie Eibye Brandt, Raphaël Emine, Antoine Espinasseau, Éléonore False, Kim Farkas, Théodore Fivel, Gina Folly, Julien Goniche, Cecilia Granara, Daiga Grantina, Matthieu Haberard, Aurélie Haberey, Charles Hascoët, Hendrik Hegray, Angelique Heidler, Charlotte Houette, Agata Ingarden, Jacent, Renaud Jerez, Carin Klonowski, Charlotte Krieger, Tarek Lakhrissi, François Lancien-Guilberteau, Damien Le Dévédec, Gaelle Leenhardt, Christophe Lemaitre, Paul Lepetit, Lucile Littot, Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, Benoît Maire, Charlie Malgat, Robin Margerin, Haydée Marin-Lopez, Hubert Marot, Dan Marre, Mélanie Matranga, Caroline Mesquita, Julien Monnerie, Charlotte Moth, Rasmus Myrup, Camila Oliveira Fairclough, Daniel Otero Torres, Matthieu Palud, Renaud Perriches, Réjean Peytavin, Antoine De Pins, Justine Ponthieux, Chloé Quenum, Florian & Michael Quistrebert, Théo Robine Langlois, Clément Rodzielski, Christophe De Rohan Chabot, Bruno Rousseaud, Pepo Salazar, Azzedine Saleck, Moussa Sarr, Romain Sarrot, Louise Sartor, Julie Sas, Lucas Semeraro, Erwan Sene, Raphaëlle Serre, Apolonia Sokol, Anna Solal, Louis Somveille, Zoé De Soumagnat, Grégory Sugnaux, T5, Pierre Tectin, Kengné Téguia, Philipp Timischl, Antoine Lucille Uhlrich, Emmanuel Van Der Meulen, Emile Vappereau, Mona Varichon, Ana Vega, Xavier Veilhan, Adrien Vescovi, Manuel Vieillot, We Are The Painters.
At High Art, Paris, France
June 27 – August 1, 2020
The attempt here is to connect through art with those we know that produce it in the city we live in after a period of collective seclusion. The artists in the show were chosen using no criteria other than our memory of their existence and encounters. Some we see often and some we see rarely but it must be said that this show is by no means a survey of anything nor a collective agreement of support for our gallery’s past endeavors. It’s simply a gathering and a way for us to do an art show after the quarantine.
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