October 18, 2023

The rotten smell is you

Group show curated by Jelisaveta Rapaić @Kunsthalle Bratislava
September 06 — October 16, 2023

(left to right): Installation view; Paula Gogola, do blondes get 5 o’clock shadow?, 2022, priestess in adidas, 2022; Anastasija Pavić, The Ultimate Coquette, 2023; Đejmi Hadrović, The Perfect White Cisgender Woman, 2022.

It’s a public secret we feminists have neglected a rotting issue, it lives in the same house we built, under the roof we erected, inside the walls we constructed. It spreads as a dormant illness, a psycho-somatic past lurking for the next big kill, gatekeeping the values which were laid in a stream of care, but the creek has now turned to stone. The smell is pungent, encapsulating and overpowering, a rich, juicy, leaky fruit turned to dust and neglect. It sat in the room for a while, but it was easier to open the window when air needed to be cleared, as if help would come from outside.

The ephemeral space created here houses different experiences which are causing tensions in the feminist household; viewing the movement as a family, with multiple generations living under the same roof by default. And a family should be united, chosen; through thick and thin, family sticks together, yet the reality behind closed doors is not always so peachy. These generational gaps can be seen through the waves of the movement, most notably, the often present rift between the second and third wave “elders’’ and the fourth wavers. The staging of this open house isn’t meant as an all encompassing study, nor of the fourth wave, but rather to highlight and bring back into a safe conversation these topics which are causing the most interior turmoil. Often publicly appropriated by the right, against one of our own, with the help of another one of our own. Sex work, transness and hyperfemininity, the positions on which the movement fails to stand united, fails its own offspring.

The rotten smell is you begs to address the you in the equation; and while the question of the you is more useful than answering whether the you itself is addressed to the viewer, to their positionality, or some outside element. It is a starting point and a navigational tool through the intricate web of histories, relations, power plays, politics, bodies, economies, emotions, identities, false care systems and interdependencies. The rotten smell is you demands a self-check in the first step taken in this space, the game of detecting the bad feminist in oneself. The rotten is the neglected, the unaddressed which assumes, which overlooks, or which particles will stick to the walls of your lungs, way past the point of exposure.

Paula Gogola, do blondes get 5 o’clock shadow?, 2022, priestess in adidas, 2022.
Paula Gogola, priestess in adidas, 2022.
Paula Gogola, do blondes get 5 o’clock shadow?, 2022.
Đejmi Hadrović, The Perfect White Cisgender Woman, 2022.
Installation view, Markéta Garai, including works: 257, 2023, I am not this body (Nejsem toto tělo), 2016, My pimp, my gallerist (Můj pasák, můj galerista), 2016, Diary series: Germany, 2013–2015 (Diary series: Německo, 2013 – 2015), 2023, Diary series: Prague, 2015 (Diary series: Praha, 2015), 2023, Diary series: Prague, 2013 (Diary series: Praha, 2013), 2023, Spy camera watch (Skrytá kamera v hodinkách) 2013 – 2017.
Installation view, Markéta Garai, including works: 257, 2023, I am not this body (Nejsem toto tělo), 2016, My pimp, my gallerist (Můj pasák, můj galerista), 2016, Diary series: Germany, 2013–2015 (Diary series: Německo, 2013 – 2015), 2023, Diary series: Prague, 2015 (Diary series: Praha, 2015), 2023, Diary series: Prague, 2013 (Diary series: Praha, 2013), 2023, Spy camera watch (Skrytá kamera v hodinkách) 2013 – 2017.
Installation view, Markéta Garai, including works: 257, 2023, I am not this body (Nejsem toto tělo), 2016, My pimp, my gallerist (Můj pasák, můj galerista), 2016, Diary series: Germany, 2013–2015 (Diary series: Německo, 2013 – 2015), 2023, Diary series: Prague, 2015 (Diary series: Praha, 2015), 2023, Diary series: Prague, 2013 (Diary series: Praha, 2013), 2023, Spy camera watch (Skrytá kamera v hodinkách) 2013 – 2017.
(left to right): Installation view; Nikola Balberčáková, Emotional Lipgloss, 2023; Sophia Giovannitti, Contract: Choreography 1 from Incall: Study 2; Contract (2022), 2022; Pennie Key, P.W., 2023.
(left to right): Installation view; Nikola Balberčáková, Emotional Lipgloss, 2023; Pennie Key, P.W., 2023; Camille Soulat, deretocare0013, 2022, Feeling VIP is all we have left, 2023.
(left to right): Installation view; Sophia Giovannitti, Contract: Choreography 1 from Incall: Study 2; Contract (2022), 2022; Pennie Key, P.W., 2023.
Pennie Key, P.W., 2023.
Sophia Giovannitti, Contract: Choreography 1 from Incall: Study 2; Contract (2022), 2022.
Sophia Giovannitti, Contract: Choreography 1 from Incall: Study 2; Contract (2022), 2022.
Sophia Giovannitti, Contract: Choreography 1 from Incall: Study 2; Contract (2022), 2022.
Detail view, Pennie Key, P.W., 2023.
Detail; Paula Gogola, do blondes get 5 o’clock shadow?, 2022.
Detail; Paula Gogola, priestess in adidas, 2022.
Đejmi Hadrović, The Perfect White Cisgender Woman, 2022.
Detail; Anastasija Pavić, The Ultimate Coquette, 2023.
Detail; Anastasija Pavić, The Ultimate Coquette, 2023.
Installation view: (left to right) Paula Gogola, do blondes get 5 o’clock shadow?, 2022, priestess in adidas, 2022; Đejmi Hadrović, The Perfect White Cisgender Woman, 2022; Anastasija Pavić, The Ultimate Coquette, 2023.
Đejmi Hadrović, The Perfect White Cisgender Woman, 2022.
(left to right): Camille Soulat, deretocare0013, 2022, Feeling VIP is all we have left, 2023.
(left to right): Nikola Balberčáková, Emotional Lipgloss, 2023; Sophia Giovannitti, Contract: Choreography 1 from Incall: Study 2; Contract (2022), 2022.
(left to right): Nikola Balberčáková, Emotional Lipgloss, 2023; Sophia Giovannitti, Contract: Choreography 1 from Incall: Study 2; Contract (2022), 2022.
Detail; Nikola Balberčáková, Emotional Lipgloss, 2023.
Detail; Nikola Balberčáková, Emotional Lipgloss, 2023.
Detail; Nikola Balberčáková, Emotional Lipgloss, 2023.
Nikola Balberčáková, Emotional Lipgloss, 2023.
Installation view, Markéta Garai, including works: 257, 2023, I am not this body (Nejsem toto tělo), 2016, My pimp, my gallerist (Můj pasák, můj galerista), 2016, Diary series: Germany, 2013–2015 (Diary series: Německo, 2013 – 2015), 2023, Diary series: Prague, 2015 (Diary series: Praha, 2015), 2023, Diary series: Prague, 2013 (Diary series: Praha, 2013), 2023, Spy camera watch (Skrytá kamera v hodinkách) 2013 – 2017.
Detail; Markéta Garai, I am not this body (Nejsem toto tělo), 2016.
Installation view, Markéta Garai, including works: 257, 2023, I am not this body (Nejsem toto tělo), 2016, My pimp, my gallerist (Můj pasák, můj galerista), 2016, Diary series: Germany, 2013–2015 (Diary series: Německo, 2013 – 2015), 2023, Diary series: Prague, 2015 (Diary series: Praha, 2015), 2023, Diary series: Prague, 2013 (Diary series: Praha, 2013), 2023, Spy camera watch (Skrytá kamera v hodinkách) 2013 – 2017.
Markéta Garai, My pimp, my gallerist (Můj pasák, můj galerista), 2016.
Markéta Garai, Spy camera watch (Skrytá kamera v hodinkách) 2013 – 2017.
Detail; Sophia Giovannitti, Contract: Choreography 1 from Incall: Study 2; Contract (2022), 2022.
Installation view.
Installation view.
Installation view.
Installation view.
Installation view.
(left to right): Paula Gogola, do blondes get 5 o’clock shadow?, 2022, priestess in adidas, 2022; Anastasija Pavić, The Ultimate Coquette, 2023; Đejmi Hadrović, The Perfect White Cisgender Woman, 2022.
(left to right): Paula Gogola, do blondes get 5 o’clock shadow?, 2022, priestess in adidas, 2022; Đejmi Hadrović, The Perfect White Cisgender Woman, 2022; Anastasija Pavić, The Ultimate Coquette, 2023.
(left to right): Paula Gogola, do blondes get 5 o’clock shadow?, 2022, priestess in adidas, 2022; Anastasija Pavić, The Ultimate Coquette, 2023; Đejmi Hadrović, The Perfect White Cisgender Woman, 2022.
Paula Gogola, do blondes get 5 o’clock shadow?, 2022.
(top) Paula Gogola, do blondes get 5 o’clock shadow?, 2022; (bottom) Detail, Anastasija Pavić, The Ultimate Coquette, 2023.
Detail; Anastasija Pavić, The Ultimate Coquette, 2023.
Installation view: (left to right) Paula Gogola, do blondes get 5 o’clock shadow?, 2022, priestess in adidas, 2022; Đejmi Hadrović, The Perfect White Cisgender Woman, 2022.
Installation view, Markéta Garai, including works: 257, 2023, I am not this body (Nejsem toto tělo), 2016, My pimp, my gallerist (Můj pasák, můj galerista), 2016, Diary series: Germany, 2013–2015 (Diary series: Německo, 2013 – 2015), 2023, Diary series: Prague, 2015 (Diary series: Praha, 2015), 2023, Diary series: Prague, 2013 (Diary series: Praha, 2013), 2023, Spy camera watch (Skrytá kamera v hodinkách) 2013 – 2017.
Installation view, Markéta Garai, including works: 257, 2023, I am not this body (Nejsem toto tělo), 2016, My pimp, my gallerist (Můj pasák, můj galerista), 2016, Diary series: Germany, 2013–2015 (Diary series: Německo, 2013 – 2015), 2023, Diary series: Prague, 2015 (Diary series: Praha, 2015), 2023, Diary series: Prague, 2013 (Diary series: Praha, 2013), 2023, Spy camera watch (Skrytá kamera v hodinkách) 2013 – 2017.
Installation view.
Installation view.
(left to right): Nikola Balberčáková, Emotional Lipgloss, 2023; Sophia Giovannitti, Contract: Choreography 1 from Incall: Study 2; Contract (2022), 2022; Pennie Key, P.W., 2023.
Installation view.
Camille Soulat, deretocare0013, 2022, Feeling VIP is all we have left, 2023.
Pennie Key, P.W., 2023.
Detail; Anastasija Pavić, The Ultimate Coquette, 2023.
Detail; Anastasija Pavić, The Ultimate Coquette, 2023.
Detail; Anastasija Pavić, The Ultimate Coquette, 2023.
Detail; Anastasija Pavić, The Ultimate Coquette, 2023.
Anastasija Pavić, The Ultimate Coquette, 2023.
Detail; Anastasija Pavić, The Ultimate Coquette, 2023.
Detail; Anastasija Pavić, The Ultimate Coquette, 2023.
Detail; Anastasija Pavić, The Ultimate Coquette, 2023.
Detail; Anastasija Pavić, The Ultimate Coquette, 2023.
Detail; Anastasija Pavić, The Ultimate Coquette, 2023.
Detail; Anastasija Pavić, The Ultimate Coquette, 2023.
Nikola Balberčáková, Emotional Lipgloss, 2023
(left to right): Nikola Balberčáková, Emotional Lipgloss, 2023; Pennie Key, P.W., 2023.

The rotten smell is you

Kunsthalle Bratislava
September 06 — October 16, 2023

Artists: Nikola Balberčáková, Markéta Garai
Sophia Giovannitti, Paula Gogola, Đejmi Hadrović, Pennie Key, Anastasija Pavić, Camille Soulat

Curation: Jelisaveta Rapaić

Photography: Adam Šakový/ All images copyright and courtesy of the artists and gallery.

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EST. Lisbon 2010

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