Hadas Auerbach, Emmanuel Awuni, Christiane Blattmann, David Buckley, Charlie Duck, Roger Hiorns, Motoko Vytautas Kumža, Sara MacKillop, Lisa Penny, Lucìa Quevedo, Nikhil Vettukattil, Matthew Verdon, Zoe Williams
At Sundy, London, UK
August 28 — October 02, 2021
Lucìa Quevedo, But I’m still hungry, 2021, silicone, pigments, ink, thick-it water, pump, 70 x 50 x 7 cm
Nikhil Vettukattil, Circulation (Fluidics 0 gate), 2021, PVC tubing, mineral oil, fake blood, water pump, electronics, various plastics, Dimensions variable
David Buckley, Ernestine, 2021, plaster, varnish, glitter, dye, salt, 34 x 34x 20 cm
Roger Hiorns, Untitled, 2015, Plastic, compressor, foam, 80 x 30 cm
Vytautas Kumža, Bitter sweet, 2021, archival Ink-jet print, glass, epoxy, stones, coins, aluminium frame, 55 x 70 cm
Sara MacKillop, Fountain, 2021, drinks carbonating machine, plinth cut in half, 140 x 38 x 34 cm
Hadas Auerbach, Ripe, 2021, watercolour on paper in resin, marked styrofoam with pump and scented water, 116 x 44 x 34 cm
Matthew Verdon, Hyper caffeinated hydrology, 2021, Coffee pod machine, water, water pump, solar powered air pump, glass jar, ratchet strap, pipe fittings, bricks, 77 x 69 x 39 cm
Lisa Penny, Summers of Old – The Fluid Decline, 2021, clay, acrylic paint, mdf and rubble, 70 x 44 x 40 cm
Christiane Blattmann, C.T. , 2021, Jesmonite, pigment, buckets, water pump, 62 x 38 cm
Charlie Duck, Why’s the sky blue, why’s water wet?, 2021, glazed stoneware, 2 pieces (17 x 26 x 29.5 cm (bird bath), 18 x 30 x 27 cm (bird house)
Motoko Ishibashi, Forest Hill Momo, 2021, Acrylic on polyurethane and ultrasonic fog maker, 50 x 45 x 45cm
Zoe Williams, Delusions of grandeur (Regency decay), 2021, Glazed ceramic, 16 x 16 x 9 cm
Emmanuel Awuni, In tune with the infinite, 2021, Dandelion, ceramic, oil paint, aluminum, steel, basin, turf, Dimensions variable