Souvenirs From Belgium

Tom Volkaert

At  Catbox Contemporary,
New York

February 29 – April 4, 2020

It’s been harder to disguise the scars of past installations. Before you stands a carpeted dwelling at an interim stop after a three year cycle of continuous transmogrification. This cat’s domicile is becoming less and less itself every day; shifting shape from a theatre, to a sanctuary, to a display case. Now it is a body, looming over the apartment from its corner like a golem; except it is caught mid mutation. The tree has grown a head. Its eyes have sprouted stocks, which are used as crude tentacles to crawl to higher vantage points. From there they are watched while they observe, keeping close surveillance of the small offerings adorning the soft platforms below. These gifts are for the taking, familiar souvenirs from a strange visage.

“Souvenirs From Belgium” 90”x40”x32”, epoxy, resin, flowers on cat-tree

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