November 28, 2023

Signature Paintings

Pedro Ventura Matos @FORM, Wageningen, The Netherlands
November 01 — 30, 2023

Karol Radziszewski, Ostreport, Installation view, EXILE Vienna, 2023

Matos’ “Signature Paintings” series, started in 2021, opens a window of analysis on the use and reproduction of the artistic signature. This series boldly showcases the signatures of well-known artists, painted on monochromatic backgrounds. These works, meticulously hand-painted with oil on canvas, embody a pure representation of the subject at hand, evoking both a sincere homage to the inherited cultural legacy and exploring the relationship between identity, authenticity, and reproduction in the context of contemporary art.

The signature, traditionally a sign of authenticity and originality, is here reproduced and recontextualized in a new setting, challenging conventional notions of authorship and originality.
This condition, as opposed to the evocative capacity traditionally attributed to images, introduces a further level of analysis on project documentation and on the images of the works.

For this exhibition, Matos paired a total of eleven oil-on-canvas paintings depicting Edvard Munch’s signatures with Munch’s “Jealousy” painting from 1907. Throughout his life, Munch has completed eleven versions of “Jealousy”, a series said to be inspired by love and jealousy dramas in the circle of artists and intellectuals in Berlin.

Installation view, Pedro Ventura Matos “Signature Paintings” at FORM, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Installation view, Pedro Ventura Matos “Signature Paintings” at FORM, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Pedro Ventura Matos, “Edvard Munch”, Oil on canvas, 180 x 150 cm 2023
Pedro Ventura Matos, “E. Munch”, Oil on canvas, 180 x 150 cm 2023
Installation view, Pedro Ventura Matos “Signature Paintings” at FORM, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Pedro Ventura Matos, “Ed Munch”, Oil on canvas, 180 x 150 cm 2023
Pedro Ventura Matos, “E. Munch. Nice 1891”, Oil on canvas, 180 x 150 cm 2023
Installation view, Pedro Ventura Matos “Signature Paintings” at FORM, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Pedro Ventura Matos, “E. Munch 1930”, Oil on canvas, 180 x 150 cm 2023
Installation view, Pedro Ventura Matos “Signature Paintings” at FORM, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Pedro Ventura Matos, “Munch”, Oil on canvas, 80 x 60 cm 2023
Pedro Ventura Matos, “Munch”, Oil on canvas, 80 x 60 cm 2023
Pedro Ventura Matos, “Munch”, Oil on canvas, 80 x 60 cm 2023
Installation view, Pedro Ventura Matos “Signature Paintings” at FORM, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Pedro Ventura Matos, “E. Munch 1928”, Oil on canvas, 80 x 60 cm 2023
Pedro Ventura Matos, “EM 85”, Oil on canvas, 80 x 60 cm 2023
Pedro Ventura Matos, “Edv. Munch”, Oil on canvas, 80 x 60 cm 2023
Installation view, Pedro Ventura Matos “Signature Paintings” at FORM, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Installation view, Pedro Ventura Matos “Signature Paintings” at FORM, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Signature Paintings
Pedro Ventura Matos

FORM, Wageningen, The Netherlands
November 01 — 30, 2023

Photography: Pedro Ventura Matos/ All images copyright and courtesy of the artists and gallery.

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