Valinia Svoronou and Chrysa Romanos

Curated by George Bekirakis

At Perianth Hotel, Athens

February 01 — 05, 2023



After the Moon and Sun, the brightest celestial body is Venus, the planet with the greatest proximity to Earth. In a world that has risen from foam and is composed of massive bodies of water it is hard not to think about reflection and transformation. The stars reflect on the surface of the sea and at the brink of dawn and evening, the first and brightest visible body to us is that of Venus. The goddess of love takes the form of the celestial body closest to our home, love being -even in a contemporary world- a weapon towards earthly survival. As the day blinks, and every morning is constantly reincarnated, Aphrodite signifies the first and last nodes in our vision of the night. Reading the zodiac sign section of the newspaper is a ritual that prepares us for the mysteries that a new day beholds. But it is also an attempt to reconcile ourselves as ancient creatures, invited to this world to navigate and participate amongst its ‘nature and culture’. Within our own fabulations and what we think we already found present, we exist in a constant now that unveils itself amongst a multitude of bodies, constellations and love.


As Arianna Reines poetry unfolds:

Wherever we hid our faces amid a crowd of

stars as Yeats

Once put it, and for stars insert celebrities

Or astrology here, your choice, and even


We closed our eyes, all this was all we

looked at

Every day all day. It was all we could see.


This show is a tribute to space and the bodies of this world co-existing simultaneously asleep and awake, brilliant, bright and silent and dark, heavy and light, risen from foam becoming as hard as the hardest of stones.


You are cordially invited to have a drink with us on the occasion of this event; and contemplate under the bright silvery lights that we have come to call our constellations.

— George Bekirakis, Valinia Svoronou

ROOM505, George Bekirakis, Valinia Svoronou
ROOM505, George Bekirakis, Valinia Svoronou
ROOM505, George Bekirakis, Valinia Svoronou
ROOM505, George Bekirakis, Valinia Svoronou
ROOM505, George Bekirakis, Valinia Svoronou
ROOM505, George Bekirakis, Valinia Svoronou
ROOM505, George Bekirakis, Valinia Svoronou
ROOM505, George Bekirakis, Valinia Svoronou
ROOM505, George Bekirakis, Valinia Svoronou
ROOM505, George Bekirakis, Valinia Svoronou
ROOM505, George Bekirakis, Valinia Svoronou
ROOM505, George Bekirakis, Valinia Svoronou
ROOM505, George Bekirakis, Valinia Svoronou

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