Redwall, But For Your Dead Pets Only

Genevieve Goffman

Catbox Contemporary, Ridgewood, New York

Mar 17 –  Apr 14, 2019

The full synthesis of art and science, toward
which all workers labor, is to be found in the resurrection of the
dead. The aim of all labor is to overcome time.

— Alexander, The Visionary

In a time beyond time, in a time with no future, in a time when the perpetual utopic present cradles the past in its arms, your childhood pet lives on the moon.

During the Space Race the United States and USSR hurled many helpless animals into space. But four who were thought to be dead survived and thrived on the moon.

Alone on the moon they developed a science far beyond our comprehension.

When they returned to earth they risked everything to defeat death and halt the grinding violence engine of human progress and resurrect every pet and bring them home to the moon.

Welcome to Redwall, But For Your Dead Pets Only.

It’s the perfect timeless moon commune.

Redwall, But For Your Dead Pets Only, Exhibition view
A Snake and Two Rats Make Plans to Grow Food on the Moon pla plastic, 2018
The Present Holds the Past Tight Into the Future pla plastic, 2018
The Present Holds the Past Tight Into the Future pla plastic, 2018
In the Beginning – This Was All We Could Do pla plastic, 2018
In the Beginning – This Was All We Could Do pla plastic, 2018
Laika, the Dogmatic pla plastic, 2018
Rat, the Architect pla plastic, 2018
Rat, the Architect pla plastic, 2018
Angel, The Necromancer pla plastic, 2018
Killing Time pla plastic, 2018
A Labor We Love Forever pla plastic, 2018
Alexander, the Visionary and Wake Up Call pla plastic, 2018
Wake Up Call pla plastic, 2018

Redwall, But For Your Dead Pets Only
Genevieve Goffman


Catbox Contemporary, Ridgewood, NY
March 17 – April 14, 2019


Catbox Contemporary

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