Apology? „He is so much interested in how he appears, he cares not for appearances of others, nor their feelings. Particularly the in question. It is, in my opinion, not only sheer selfishness… but a piece of blatant vulgarity as well!“
1. Kafes and The Abandoned Artillery Lobby and Warehouse of Pre-cinema Petty Distractions on Dec 4th or 5th, 2019 in Olomouc; organized by HROB
This is just me trying to settle the fact I am genuine Jimena trash and here’s no Jimi this season, so here you go.
Saturdays in the Kafe were always busy days, sometimes the girls even had to resort to spare chairs from the back and expanding the outside dining space. Yet today was something wholly different. Jana struggled even walking as people lined the room scanning for a table just waiting by the bar to order a shake. Katrina struggles scribbling down the orders and
passing notes back to the cook and getting the next customer out of the way. As Jana hurried to get the cheque for table 12, she heard a loud „excuse me“ coming from behind her. Turning on her heels she faked a smile and hopped over, only to notice halfway there it none other than Liam.
Well hello stranger, what are you doing round here Jana asked before noticing the booth was also occupied by two other people. She tried to stop her eye roll and she hoped it wasn’t noticed but it just slipped.
Like everyone else really, big business fair in the town center. We want to expand the artillery and painball range, hoping to bag some investors. Liam said wide eyed filled with excitement. So what are you doing here? Never expected to see you as a city girl, huh?
Well, I tried out Segovia, lived with my boss and her son for a bit. The job was good but me and my boss didn’t quite see eye to eye. I left Segolia and came to the Kafe, and Katrina was more than happy to take me on. Now order quick before table 12 gets angry that throws the salt shakers at me. Jana said pressing her pen against her notepad, not wanting to another yelling. She scribbled down the three.