Bene Andrist, Elin Gonzalez, Orson Egloff, Max Earnest, Aronne Pleuteri, Nicola Genovese, June Fischer, Isabell Bullerschen, Jürgen Baumann
Curated by Hrüze gegi
At Bahnhof Takeaway, Winterthur, Switzerland
March 10 — April 10, 2022
the snow is not dewing, it is being vaporised.
you may have heard of the rm command. it is an extremely powerful command and has caused much heartache among system administrators. the rm command removes the entries for a specified file or a group of files. if used with *, it will simply remove all files in a directory. as a root user you can easily get rid of a lot of files very quickly this way.
rm *
a root user has god-like powers on a system. it can read and write any files, change the system configuration, install and remove software and upgrade the operating system or firmware. in essence, it can do pretty much anything.
how are we supposed to feel now that this has happened? lost? nostalgic? impotent? administrators administrate. vapour rises to the sky wavering drawing through the sky clouds are its way