@ Stigter Van Doesburg, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Catherine Biocca, Paul Ferens, Brendan Michal Heshka, Thijs Jaeger, Rik Laging, Erkka Nissinen, Wolfgang Messing, Sharon van Overmeiren, Daniel van Straalen, Joeri Woudstra
Curated by Daniel van Straalen
Jun 1 – Jul 13, 2019
Now back to the mud.
I was wery, forwandred, and wente me to reste
Undur a brod banke bi a bourne side;
And as I lay and leonede and lokede on the watres,
I slumbrede in a slepynge, hit swyed so murie.
Thenne gon I meeten a mervelous sweven,
That I was in a wildernesse, wuste I never where;
And as I beheold into the est an heigh to the sonne,
I sauh a tour on a toft, tryelyche i-maket;
A deop dale bineothe, a dungun ther-inne,
With deop dich and derk and dredful of sighte.
A feir feld full of folk fond I ther bitwene,
Of alle maner of men, the mene and the riche,
Worchinge and wandringe as the world asketh.
Thanne Scriptare scorned me and a skile tolde,
And lakked me in Latyn and light by me sette,
And seide, “ Multi multa sciunt et seipsos nesciunt.’
Tho wepte I for wo andwrathe of hir speche
And in a wynkynge w[o]rth til I [weex] aslepe.
A merveillous metels mette me thanne.
For I was ravysshed right there–for Fortune me fette
And into the lond of longynge and love she me broughte,
And in a mirour that highte Middelerthe she made me to biholde.
Sithen she seide to me, -Here myghtow se wondres,
And knowe that thow coveitest, and come therto, peraunter.’
Thanne hadde Fortune folwynge hire two faire damyseles:
Concupiscencia Carnis men called the elder mayde,
And Coveitise of Eighes ycalled was that oother.
Pride of Parfit Lyvynge pursued hem bothe,
And bad me for my contenaunce acounten Clergie lighte.
Concupiscencia Carnis colled me aboute the nekke
And seide, “Thow art yong and yeep and hast yeres ynowe
For to lyve longe and ladies to lovye;
And in this mirour thow might se myrthes ful manye
That leden thee wole to likynge al thi lif tyme.’
The secounde seide the same: “ I shal sewe thi wille;
Til thow be a lord and have lond, leten thee I nelle
That I ne shal folwe thi felawship, if Fortune it like.’
“ He shal fynde me his frend,’ quod Fortune therafter;
“The freke that folwede my wille failled nevere blisse.’
Thanne was ther oon that highte Elde, that hevy was of chere,
“ Man,’ quod he, “if I mete with thee, by Marie of hevene
Thow shalt fynde Fortune thee faille at thi mooste nede,
And Concupiscencia Carnis clene thee forsake.
Bittrely shaltow banne thanne, bothe dayes and nyghtes,
Coveitise of Eighe, that evere thow hir knewe;
And Pride of Parfit Lyvynge to muche peril thee brynge.’
“ Ye? Recche thee nevere!’ quod Rechelesnesse, stood forth in raggede clothes
“ Folwe forth that Fortune wole–thow has wel fer til Elde.
William Langland, The Vision of Piers Plowman, c.1370
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