Where are the spaces for each other, together? I don’t have any solutions, or ideas. Maybe there’s some reverse colonialism we can try. Take from Gambia, insert into Oslo, raise in community. Travel. Educate Amsterdam, Hamburg, Frankfurt, land Berlin, back to Gambia, Mexico, and now Brussels see.
I do like cities, crowded and living, with and under, beside difference and risk. I personally am a product of gentrification, immigration, privilege, patriarchy, public education, liberalism and neo-liberalism, religious conservatism, anti-semitism, class, divison and disparity, Honi mal y pense, where does this put me in the conversation. If you prefer to sit inside safe, you’re not really in it for everyone.
In the end we are standing in a storefront space of the gallery Damien & the Love Guru, in the Saint Gilles neighborhood of Brussels, Belgium, with two groups of paintings from Mickael hanging on the walls. These were made on the Costa Chica, while traveling in Oaxaca up into the state of Guerrero, Mexico, and in a studio in Wedding, in the city of Berlin, Germany.