“We urge you to dream wisely to find the future you most desire, to anchor it in your heart, knowing the path is chosen.”
Rocks, stones, minerals and the metals extracted from the ore are the point of departure in my work in order to reflect on the ambivalent relationship of man towards nature. Through the tactility, seductive beauty and energetic properties of this matter I search for ways on how to overcome the separation that we as humans created with the world around us, and reconnect with it.
We live in an era where we are forced to restore the balance between man and Earth. At the same time we are constantly searching for our personal inner balance on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. For this purpose we draw strength and energy from nature. We extract stones, minerals and metals from the Earth, place them into our cultural context and assign them new shapes, meanings and functions. But is this boundary that we draw between culture and nature an inherent one or one that we made up and keep alive? How do we find our place in the cosmos, replace our attitude of dominance with humbleness and use our power to contribute to the equilibrium of the planet? Can our urge for creation serve the values of healing, care and tenderness in a relationship of reciprocity instead of exploitation and damage?
Tools for Transformation
“Power, dear friend, cannot be avoided; power is, and you and power are part of all that is, therefore you are power.”
The ‘Tools for Transformation’ displayed in this exhibition are of a hybrid nature, lending their shapes from weightlifting and other workout tools, martial arts weapons, medieval shields, shaman mirrors and science fiction or fantasy imagery. They offer the opportunity for a more than physical engagement: overcoming gravity, calibrating physical and emotional balance, connecting with the Earth and Heaven, gaining bodily and mental strength and spiritual clarity. What on first sight might look like a weapon chamber, turns out to be a display of tools for healing, empowerment, communication and connection, a safe space where transformation can take place. Where we are reminded of our innate power to raise our vibration and with it the vibration of the Earth.
“Many ancient cultures knew that the rays of the sun were encoded with a language of light that transferred information directly to the mind, influencing and affecting everyone with a subtle stream of Cosmic Intelligence. […] Sometimes people would even hide from the sun because they felt that the sun’s rays could read their minds; and if they sought to keep secrets and have no one know what they were doing, they chose to operate in the dark, as it were.”
In the performance Orb three tools come into action. The objects are made from steel with inlays from gold, tin/antimony, copper. These metals are associated with different planets and celestial bodies – Mars, the Sun, Jupiter, Venus – with which they share their healing properties. The co-existence of destruction and creation, aggression and healing, materiality and spirituality and the transformative potential that these polarities offer is addressed with this work.
*All quotes from: Path of Empowerment – Pleiadian Wisdom for a World in Chaos, Barbara Marciniak, 2004