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March 11, 2025

Gene’s Presents “1TB Verbatim: Los Angeles Timing 2013-2025”

Group show @Leroy’s, Los Angeles
January 18 — March 15, 2025

Left: Andrew Norman Wilson Right: Joshua Smith Bottom: Josh Schaedel

A poet walks into a bar. That’s not the start of a joke. That’s the start of this exhibition.
Well, not quite…

The start of this exhibition was back in 2013 when I moved to Los Angeles. Ian James was the first friend I made when I got here. We’re both Aries boys from neighboring Midwest states who have radical leftist politics, love bucolic landscapes and grimy towns equally, and tend to stay up way too late and fiercely debate. He immediately made me feel as though leaving New York City and driving 3,000 miles west was absolutely the right decision. And when he opened up a new gallery below the nowclosed gallery metro pcs, and eventually asked me to curate a show in this new space, I was determined to try to best honor our friendship, my experiences in this gorgeous and complex city, and many of the artists who have had profound impacts on me over the past near-dozen years. It is my hope that after you make your way through the labyrinth that is known as Leroy’s, you are able to gain some insight into what matters to me and what I think matters and has mattered in Los Angeles.

Thank you, Ian. Thank you to everyone else involved with this exhibition. And thank you, Los Angeles.

— Keith J. Varadi, January 2025

Top: Chadwick Rantanen Bottom: Josh Schaedel
Josh Schaedel
Top: Chadwick Rantanen Bottom: Josh Schaedel
Tanya Brodsky
Left: Olivia Mole Right: Jools Rothblatt
Left: Jools Rothblatt Right: Barak Zemer
Left to Right: Carrie Cook, David Muenzer, Sydney Acosta, Michael Rey
Left to Right: Erin Calla Watson, Carrie Cook, David Muenzer, Sydney Acosta, Michael Rey, Andy Bennett, Jesse Benson, Paul Sietsema
Left to Right: Michael Rey, Andy Bennett, Olivia Mole, Anne Libby, Beatrix Fowler, Chadwick Rantanen, LeRoy Stevens
Left: Carrie Cook Right: David Muenzer
Foreground: Andy Bennett Background: Barak Zemer Right: Benjamin Reiss
Left: Barak Zemer Right: Benjamin Echeverria
Left to Right: Olivia Mole, Aimee Goguen, Jesse Benson
Left to Right: Olivia Mole, Aimee Goguen, Jesse Benson
Left: Ian James Right: Olivia Mole Bottom: Andy Bennett
Left: Ian James Right: Olivia Mole Bottom: Andy Bennett
Ry Rocklen
Left to Right: Scott Benzel, Dean Spunt, Chadwick Rantanen, Andy Giannakakis, Andrew J. Greene, Andy Bennett, Paul Sietsema, Hanna Hur, Erin Calla Watson
Left to Right: Olivia Mole, Chadwick Rantanen, Anne Libby, Beatrix Fowler, LeRoy Stevens
Left to Right: Michael Kennedy Costa, Benjamin Echeverria, Paul Sietsema, Aaron Garber-Maikovska
Left to Right: Merideth Hillbrand, Steve Kado, Carrie Cook, Dean Spunt
Left to Right: Merideth Hillbrand, Steve Kado, Carrie Cook, Dean Spunt
Left to Right: Steve Kado, Carrie Cook, Scott Benzel, Andy Giannakakis, Michael Zahn, Chadwick Rantanen, Andrew J. Greene, Dean Spunt, Michael Kennedy Costa, Benjamin Echeverria, Paul Sietsema
Left to Right: Steve Kado, Carrie Cook, Scott Benzel, Andy Giannakakis, Michael Zahn, Chadwick Rantanen, Andrew J. Greene, Dean Spunt, Michael Kennedy Costa, Benjamin Echeverria, Paul Sietsema
Left to Right: Scott Benzel, Andy Giannakakis, Michael Zahn, Andy Bennett, Chadwick Rantanen, Andrew J. Greene, Naoki Sutter-Shudo, Michael Kennedy Costa
Left to Right: Michael Kennedy Costa, Benjamin Echeverria, Juliana Halpert
Juliana Halpert
Left: Naoki Sutter-Shudo Right: Michael Kennedy Costa
Left: Naoki Sutter-Shudo Right: Michael Kennedy Costa
Patricia Fernández & Mitch Springer
Patricia Fernández & Mitch Springer
Patricia Fernández & Mitch Springer
Left to Right: Benjamin Reiss, Jesse Benson, Paul Sietsema, Hiroshi Clark, Patricia Fernández & Mitch Springer, Olivia Mole
Left to Right: Ian James, Benjamin Reiss, Jesse Benson, Paul Sietsema, Hiroshi Clark
Left: Benjamin Reiss Right: Jesse Benson
Left: Jeremy Jansen Top: Asha Schecter Bottom: Benjamin Reiss Right: Gal Amiram
Left: Scott Benzel Right: Asha Schecter
Left: Scott Benzel Right: Asha Schecter
Left to Right: Patrick Jackson, Darya Diamond, Jeremy Jansen, Sophia Le Fraga
Left: Darya Diamond Top: Sophia Le Fraga Bottom: Jeremy Jansen
Left: Darya Diamond Top: Sophia Le Fraga Bottom: Jeremy Jansen
Left: Tanya Brodsky Top: Benjamin Echeverria Bottom: Patrick Jackson
Tanya Brodsky
Left: Ellen Schafer Right: Lukas Geronimas
Left: Lukas Geronimas Right: Matt Siegle
Darya Diamond
Left: Darya Diamond Right: David Horvitz
Sydney Acosta
Benjamin Reiss
Benjamin Echeverria
Jesse Benson
Paul Sietsema
Olivia Mole
Left: Olivia Mole Right: Anne Libby
LeRoy Stevens
LeRoy Stevens
LeRoy Stevens
LeRoy Stevens
LeRoy Stevens
Left to Right: Andy Giannakakis, Michael Zahn, Andy Bennett, Paul Sietsema
Paul Sietsema
Left to Right: Andy Giannakakis, Michael Zahn, Chadwick Rantanen
Michael Zahn
Michael Zahn
Michael Zahn
Scott Benzel
Scott Benzel
Andrew J. Greene
Andrew J. Greene
Naoki Sutter-Shudo
Andy Giannakakis
Left: Michael Zahn Right: Andy Giannakakis
Michael Kennedy Costa
Michael Kennedy Costa
Michael Kennedy Costa
Benjamin Echeverria
Tanya Brodsky
Steve Kado
Ellen Schafer
Ellen Schafer
Ellen Schafer
Scott Benzel
Jeremy Jansen
Gal Amiram
Benjamin Reiss
Scott Benzel
Scott Benzel
Scott Benzel
Josh Schaedel
Josh Schaedel
Josh Schaedel
Josh Schaedel
Chadwick Rantanen
Chadwick Rantanen
Chadwick Rantanen
Chadwick Rantanen
Josh Schaedel
Josh Schaedel
Josh Schaedel

Gene’s Presents “1TB Verbatim: Los Angeles Timing 2013-2025”

Leroy’s, Los Angeles
January 18 — March 15, 2025

Artists: Sydney Acosta, Gal Amiram, Andy Bennett, Jesse Benson, Scott Benzel, Tanya Brodsky, Erin Calla Watson, Hiroshi Clark, Carrie Cook, Darya Diamond, Boz Deseo Garden, Benjamin Echeverria, Patricia Fernández & Mitch Springer, Beatrix Fowler, Aaron Garber-Maikovska, Lukas Geronimas, Andy Giannakakis, Aimee Goguen, Andrew J. Greene, Juliana Halpert, Merideth Hillbrand, David Horvitz, Hanna Hur, Patrick Jackson, Ian James, Jeremy Jansen, Steve Kado, Michael, Kennedy Costa, Janice Lee, Sophia Le Fraga, Anne Libby, Olivia Mole, David Muenzer, Chadwick Rantanen, Benjamin Reiss, Michael Rey, Ry Rocklen, Jools Rothblatt, Josh Schaedel, Ellen Schafer, Asha Schechter, Naoki Shutter-Shudo, Matt Siegle, Paul Sietsema, Joshua Smith, Dean Spunt, LeRoy Stevens, Andrew Norman Wilson, Michael Zahn, Barak Zemer.

Photography: Josh Schaedel, Evan Walsh/
All images copyright and courtesy of the artist and the gallery.

O FLUXO is an online platform for contemporary art.
EST. Lisbon 2010

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