Fragile Hug

Bogna Luiza Wiśniewska

At SIC, Helsinki

January 22 — February 21, 2021

on a precipice that’s cracking

entwined gentleness
giving strength

beware of breaking

it will be something
unknowns become familiar
as they are

Looking forward to

fragile hug

Bogna Luiza Wiśniewska (b.1988, Poland) is a soft-hearted creature who lives and works in Helsinki, where she maintains an arts practice that fosters cozy safe spaces and good company, bringing people together through painting, exhibition-making, cooking, and hosting. Her recent project was thinking about (and reconciling anxieties around) guilty pleasures; owning your needs  cravings; and learning through peculiarities, obsessions, and infatuation. She is pondering about care and kindness in relation to working as an artist. F ragile Hug is her first solo show in Helsinki.


Currently she is working together with Katie Lenanton on collaborative long duration project W eathering.


Wiśniewska’s working was supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland.