Group show at Pitted Dates, Helsinki March 25 — April 30, 2023
Pitted Dates: FOR SOMETHING TO BE FILLED, installation view
the outline is enough for something to be filled
an image of a river
or hands
a blurred line, a bruise
there’s a room inside a room
I want to know what’s inside of me
I want to know what’s inside of the inside of me
yawning blue
perhaps a mouth or a lagoon
— Maarit Mustonen
Pitted Dates: FOR SOMETHING TO BE FILLED, installation view
Pitted Dates: FOR SOMETHING TO BE FILLED, installation view
Pitted Dates: FOR SOMETHING TO BE FILLED, installation view
Pitted Dates: FOR SOMETHING TO BE FILLED, installation view
Pitted Dates: FOR SOMETHING TO BE FILLED, Minjee Hwang Kim: Self-Portrait with Blue Mountains, coloured pencil and ink on paper, oak, museum glass, Custom-made frame by Ville Arpiainen, 297x420mm, 2023
Pitted Dates: FOR SOMETHING TO BE FILLED, Minjee Hwang Kim: Self-Portrait with Blue Mountains, coloured pencil and ink on paper, oak, museum glass, Custom-made frame by Ville Arpiainen, 297x420mm, 2023
Pitted Dates: FOR SOMETHING TO BE FILLED, Minjee Hwang Kim: Self-Portrait with Blue Mountains, coloured pencil and ink on paper, oak, museum glass, Custom-made frame by Ville Arpiainen, 297x420mm, 2023
Pitted Dates: FOR SOMETHING TO BE FILLED, Minjee Hwang Kim: Self-Portrait with Blue Mountains, coloured pencil and ink on paper, oak, museum glass, Custom-made frame by Ville Arpiainen, 297x420mm, 2023
Pitted Dates: FOR SOMETHING TO BE FILLED, Maarit Mustonen: a commissioned poem, pencil on paper, magnets, 8 x 7x10cm, 2023
Pitted Dates: FOR SOMETHING TO BE FILLED, Maarit Mustonen: a commissioned poem, pencil on paper, magnets, 8 x 7x10cm, 2023
Pitted Dates: FOR SOMETHING TO BE FILLED, Maarit Mustonen: a commissioned poem, pencil on paper, magnets, 8 x 7x10cm, 2023
Pitted Dates: FOR SOMETHING TO BE FILLED, Emese Veszely: "P" for Passion, print on matte vinyl, 6 x 297x420mm, 2023
Pitted Dates: FOR SOMETHING TO BE FILLED, Emese Veszely: "P" for Passion, print on matte vinyl, 6 x 297x420mm, 2023
Pitted Dates: FOR SOMETHING TO BE FILLED, Emese Veszely: "P" for Passion, print on matte vinyl, 6 x 297x420mm, 2023
Pitted Dates: FOR SOMETHING TO BE FILLED, Emese Veszely: "P" for Passion, print on matte vinyl, 6 x 297x420mm, 2023
Pitted Dates: FOR SOMETHING TO BE FILLED, Emese Veszely: "P" for Passion, print on matte vinyl, 6 x 297x420mm, 2023
Pitted Dates: FOR SOMETHING TO BE FILLED, Emese Veszely: "P" for Passion, print on matte vinyl, 6 x 297x420mm, 2023
Pitted Dates: FOR SOMETHING TO BE FILLED, installation view
For Something to be Filled
Curated by Sakari Tervo
Artists: Corinna Helenelund, Minjee Hwang Kim, Emese Veszely, Maarit Mustonen
At Pitted Dates, Helsinki March 25 — April 30, 2023