In her works, Léa de Cacqueray cultivates ambiguity and indeterminacy as poetic tools to envision the future. Her sculptures and installations result from hybridizations of forms borrowed from ancient divinatory rituals, such as oracles and hydromancy, as well as the realms of robotics and the medical sphere. Being cryptic and indefinable, they serve as catalysts for both irrational beliefs and our famous «FOMO» – this recent «fear of missing out», fueled by our hyperconnected environment. At the core of the artist’s approach lies a questioning of modern rationalism and its attempts to normalize technologies to be neutral and objective. Far from considering technological apparatus as innocuous objects, Léa de Cacqueray embraces the mysticism within them. She apprehends it as a «medium of revelation» that allows us to cast a new gaze upon our world while altering our present and, more importantly, our future imaginaries. Laden with desire, technologies seduce the unconscious through the elegance of their chrome-plated surfaces, all the while enabling a liberation from the constraints of reality, yet paradoxically, imprisoning humanity in a virtuality with obscure powers. Artist explores this ambiguous relational field, where magical belief and technology intertwine and shape each other. Endowed with interactive capabilities, her works incorporate textual and sonic elements as well as mechanical movement to evoke indeterminate emotions that redefine our conception of the living and the inanimate. Flirting with the realm of science fiction, Léa de Cacqueray questions our technological rituals and beliefs: between the power of alienation and liberation, how do we experience these enchantments that push our humanity ever further?
— Licia Demuro