David Atlas, Dante Guthrie, Andrew Rutherdale, Hannah Rose Stewart, Tea Stražičić, Kid Xanthrax

1 (Andrew Rutherdale)

Curated by Prometheus Projects, Montreal

April, 2020

One can contract the plague through direct contact with the god, Mirad, or one of  disciples, known as the Plague Priests, or if a non-infected comes into contact with the vomit of an infected. When contracting the plague through either  plague critically fail a constitution saving throw presented by the priest ,and doing so one to contract the illness. The only other way to contract the plague is to get infected  matter into your bloodstream, ie, a rat bite, a cut, or  one must make a constitution save of 8 or higher, or become infected by the plague.
Andrew Rutherdale,
David Atlas
Dante Guthrie
Kid Xanthrax
Tea Stražičić
Hannah Rose Stewart

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