Long marvellous winter is at its end. Thaw took over, whose uncompromising monochrome is affecting everyone and everything. The river is coloured into shades of cappuccino that combined with dormant last year’s grass on the banks of “lovers confluence” gives rise to irresistible harmony. Pussy willows sprung its first buds and town under the sky as grey as the old snow took the semblance of a freshly squeezed mop, catkins all around. This god’s work being traversed by lonely pedestrians, that under their facemasks courageously sip amber beer, secretly drafted by the fearless barkeep. Some others take their dogs or children into these places and teach them how to walk on a beam in an enclosed paddock. Late-pandemic paranoia weakened by gradually increasing weariness finds its ideal time and medium in the thaw – beginning the thaw of the mind. Cold rays of low spring sun fall on people’s faces as they try to remember what they were doing the whole winter. Most likely they just scrolled through it. Maybe better than to remember is to forget. Judita Levitnerová in her multimedia project presents Brno the way it really is, Here and now! A duo of taciturn mythical sages looks over everything from the eternal timelessness of postmodernity.