Cheek to the Cliff
Agata Ingarden,
Kate Morgan, Emma Stern
At Love Unlimited, Glasgow
26th October – 4th November 2018
salt baking – a methodology, 2/10/18
Julia said “slacken the sails;” yield.
Because people,
most people,
most people
some times,
are nitwits.
They never use the language that you are
looking to hear.
The author envisioned text
spelling out on film.
The word interning.
The world interning.
The world, in turning, …
high up a place of refuge
low down a place of refuge
low and cheek to the cliff
high and up there
a sausage on the floor
moving, moving,
I said, “dramatise it for me.”
For, to foster, fallibility. In order to not let the
image speak and that be it.
It was like this: I gave you the theory of the
stone – of its crevice and of its surface
qualities, and of how it smelled and of how the
frothy water licked at it and retreated from it.
And you go and imprint this into slack mud! –
so as this unsteady impression is what lasts.
explicit forms –
of the arms akimbo of
an olive.
a figure in a closed room.
each a product of an observer –
some first responder
Things either working in contrast or in concert.
Subjects as active intermediaries.
This is preposterous, I —-.
I agree with this, yes. Yes, this such imprecise
fostering is correct, such sheltering an
appropriate homage.
We move in and out of focus.
we frame our products,
fashion tonics in bottles of glass,
thoroughly manufacture.
our entities have relationships with other
which exist outside of ourselves
1080 g flour, 400 of table salt
seems precise
water to bind to a very smooth dough
celeriac ~2.5 hours
whole onion 1 hour
‘large parsnip 40 mins’
And a whole celeriac looks like a moon or a
misplaced football when it is brought out of the
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