A Base For A Crane: A home of materials, nets, machines, spirits and workers; a community of connectors nestled together. From liquid to fixture, from grass to sky, from lifting to landing. A complex tapestry of intricate root systems, remaining fragments and heartbroken ridges.
A savannah of reeds holding hands and arms to form a foundation of support; a base for flight, movement, and time.
The exhibition includes collaborative works made by sculptors Maija Fox and Valo Vairio, created under the mist and moon down Yhdystie, a passage from the city to the swamp. Flying machines flying over woven wetland grasses, while ovens full of handcrafted laces and wax hooks cook over time. A familiar trust, a sense of compassion, lingers in the spines of leaves, arms of branches, chains of tracks, in the heart of the function. This environment, with all its internal logic, has continually fed and fuelled the process of making.
a resting place for the crane birds and a home; grown by friendship.