7 Eleven ½
At 7 eleven, 33rd ave, Vancouver city
June 22, 2021
Only few things to fix and detail before the installation of the art work.
My last contraption will be the little door. I will need a jigsaw for the job and from my calculation an extension cord as well. Today, a day before the installation, I pack the essentials in my little bag and walk to 7 eleven.
It is really busy for Monday but I am not to stress about that. I then hide the jigsaw behind the propane tank so nobody gets an idea of what will be going down. I squeeze the extension around all the boxes and the ice machine to finally get to the intake.
With difficulty, I put the plug right in without unplugging the ice machine. As soon as I turn a 7/11 worker comes out with worry telling me: the ice will melt down! What are you doing? I say: Ohh no worries! Look I’m just charging my phone! He then looked at my suspicious extension going in the far end and walked back in the store. Before even getting into the project, another man wearing a 7/11 t-shirt comes out and asks me the same questions. However this guy is more resilient, so I need to bargain a five minute of “charging”. I am lucky he doesn’t seem to even picture what I am about to do. A client then comes in the store and the employee follows him. Finally, I can hide behind the propane tank, in front of the soon to be door. I am a little worried about the noise that the jigsaw will be making especially with what just happened. The wood fence is wobbly and I can squeeze the saw in between the fence to start my first cut. As I press on the trigger, the whole fence shakes and a crazy noise is released. I get a big sweat and look through the crack on my left. Where I can see clients coming in and out from the store.
I set the jigsaw to a smooth mode and I finally find a « quiet » technique to finish the cuts. Luckily no bad luck during the cutting and now I can see through the fence. I pack everything back discreetly and leave with three pieces of wood. I think the cashier is looking at me from inside, but it’s not too much to worry about. Back home, I screw the door together, installed the hinges and the doorknob. Two hours later, I go back to 7 eleven and screw the door on. Now everything seems to be in place.
At night I will be drilling holes in the concrete, to hold the paintings. Tomorrow will be a good day. I know where everything goes. I believe installing shouldn’t be more then 15 minutes with the car.
Although why am I making all this? Why not in a clean white room where usual people feel sophisticated? Who are my target viewers: the old rich folks? The youth? Harry? Craig Schwartz?
Well If I really think about that, I make such a thing because I want to communicate with a space with risk, make the unused an inviting secret. Bring my perspective to the world. I expect curious and courageous stranger just like Potter. I also expect my friends, the ones I love and support me, the ones that I like surprising and people that search for what they love and beyond.
— Baltimore Loth
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