(2024), 2020. Black and white A3 print, Zara typeface
Hugo Laporte, « Soul Exkebablibur » Missing Sheath, 2020. Handmade 3D print, tin, mother of pearl
Hugo Laporte, Clean Hands/Dirty Money, 2020. Resin prints
Hugo Laporte, En attendant la guerre, phase I, 2020. Ceramic, glass, handmade 3D print PLA, lens, concrete, lightbulb
Hugo Laporte, En attendant la guerre, phase I, 2020. Ceramic, glass, handmade 3D print PLA, lens, concrete, lightbulb
Hugo Laporte, E.S.S.T: Studio Serving Suggestion, 2020. Highchair, clay, plaster, copper, mother of pearl, glasscube, chain, stone, resin, rudus silver, antibacterialKey, curtain rod end
Hugo Laporte, RUDUS from « En attendant la guerre », 2020. Glass, handmade 3d print PLA, table
Hugo Laporte, Snakes, 2020. Ties, metal
Hugo Laporte, Snakes, 2020. Ties, metal
Hugo Laporte, Snakes, 2020. Ties, metal
Hugo Laporte, Étude for “Space Junk Close Call”, 2020. Dead screens, epoxy resin, wire mesh, plastic