MAY 28, 2023

Chocolate Goblin

Travis John Ficarra at Glasshouse Gallery, Melbourne
June 07 — July 13, 2023

Travis John Ficarra Chocolate Goblin steel, fibreglass, automotive paint, clearcoat

Nutbrown, bister, puce, sorrel, toast, cocoa, chestnut, buff, ecru, henna, snuff, carob, dark honey made of goldenrod pollen

A lagoon of sour water in a deep roasting pan, kissed by a milky deliquescence. Sharp oysters scraping at the swell. Cellophane boulderstones create a fog ahead.

Everything a little diaphanous, vitreous, unclouded, lacteal muck sweat.

Through elegant columns of nacreous, sugarglass colonnades gleam long skeins of garden, stuffed rich with gossamer plies of leafage in floodlit shadow play. Along a sylvan aisle you twig a chocolate goblin.

Its barnet is a tight and glossy helmet that bleeds into a specular face, or perhaps the brilliant smooth egg is hairless. Two cochineal eyeholes perch above a craggy snap of brittle, mouth like a mendiant, agape and toothy.  It is unicolour, creamy nutbrown and bister, and blistered with droplets. throbbing in
does she wear a mask?

    — Mask? Mask? Oh, I see, you mean her slap — It is customary — a sign of refinement.

— Ariane Jaccarini
Travis John Ficarra Chocolate Goblin steel, fibreglass, automotive paint, clearcoat
Travis John Ficarra Chocolate Goblin steel, fibreglass, automotive paint, clearcoat
Travis John Ficarra Chocolate Goblin steel, fibreglass, automotive paint, clearcoat
Travis John Ficarra Chocolate Goblin steel, fibreglass, automotive paint, clearcoat
Travis John Ficarra Chocolate Goblin steel, fibreglass, automotive paint, clearcoat
Travis John Ficarra Chocolate Goblin steel, fibreglass, automotive paint, clearcoat
Travis John Ficarra Chocolate Goblin steel, fibreglass, automotive paint, clearcoat
Travis John Ficarra Chocolate Goblin steel, fibreglass, automotive paint, clearcoat
Travis John Ficarra Chocolate Goblin steel, fibreglass, automotive paint, clearcoat
Travis John Ficarra Chocolate Goblin steel, fibreglass, automotive paint, clearcoat
Travis John Ficarra Chocolate Goblin steel, fibreglass, automotive paint, clearcoat
Travis John Ficarra Chocolate Goblin steel, fibreglass, automotive paint, clearcoat

Chocolate Goblin
Travis John Ficarra

Glasshouse Gallery, Melbourne
June 07 — July 13, 2023

Text: Ariane Jaccarini

Photography: Travis John Ficarra

Travis John is an artist and composer based in Melbourne, Australia working in painting, sound and sculpture.  He holds a BFA Honours from RMIT and a Master of Contemporary Art from the Victorian College of Art.

Recently Travis has exhibited at Blindside, BUS projects, Fort Delta and the Arts Centre. He has also performed at events and venues such as SuccessArts Perth, the MCA Artbar, the International Noise Conference, Gertrude Contemporary and the Art Centre Melbourne.  

Travis is the recipient of the Australia Council New Work Grant, the NGV Victoria Association Award and the Nava Australian Artists’ Grant.

O FLUXO is an online platform for contemporary art.
EST. Lisbon 2010

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